What is a SunGold Kiwi?
You can find the freshest SunGold Kiwis in Heinen’s Produce Department. Check out our other favorite unique items by clicking here.
Learn more:
- Characterized by its vibrant yellow flesh
- · Has hairless skin that’s a golden-brown color
- · Contains a smaller core and fewer seeds than the traditional green kiwi
- · Tropically sweet in taste that is best described as a cross between a mango and a strawberry
- · Easily enjoyed by cutting it in half and scooping out the flesh with a spoon
- · Low in calories, high in fiber and contain more Vitamin C than an orange and traditional green kiwi
- · Generally ripe and ready to eat upon purchase, but get sweeter as they ripen
- · Once ripe, store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks