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Natural and Beneficial Ways to Purify the Air in Your Home

Natural and Beneficial Ways to Purify the Air in Your Home

This post and photography are courtesy of Nic Abraham.

With so many external environmental pollutants, we often neglect to address the pollutants lurking within our internal environment – our home. The truth is, indoor air is actually more polluted than outdoor air. We are exposed to many chemicals in an enclosed space. These chemicals can come from paint, furniture, mattresses, skincare products, clothing, disinfectants, cleaning solutions and more.

Air quality at home is extremely important. It’s the air we breathe every single day. Because of this, purifying it is essential for optimal health. Here are a few ways to naturally purify your home.



Plants are known to purify and rejuvenate air. They increase oxygen, suck up harmful gases and toxins (ammonia, benzene, and formaldehyde) and capture dust. Since they are natural pollution fighters, one plant can purify about 100 square feet. Not only do plants help purify the air, they also reduce stress, which is yet another reason to have them in your home.

Best purifying plants:

  • Areca Palms are perfect anywhere.
  • Chrysanthemums, or House Mums that love bright, sunny spaces.
  • English Ivys are great for office spaces with computers.
  • Money Plants can easily adapt anywhere.
  • Spider Plants are great in the kitchen.
  • Succulents are perfect for the bedroom.


Essential Oils

Essential oils improve moods and reduce airborne bacteria. These benefits are extremely important since we spend most of our time indoors breathing in toxic air –a breeding ground for bacterial infections. To breathe in cleaner air at home, add Essential Oils to a diffuser, soap, and cleaning products.

Flowers and Oil Diffuser

Best Purifying Essential Oils:

  • Cinnamon
  • Clove
  • Eucalyptus
  • Grapefruit
  • Lemongrass
  • Rosemary
  • Tea Tree
  • Thyme

Note: If someone has asthma, an air purifier is the best option. It’s the quickest way to remove harmful particles in the air.

Salt Lamps

The use of salt lamps is a newer air purification trend. Salt crystals are known to reduce airborne allergens, irritants and pathogens. Further, Himalayan pink salt is an ionic air purifier that neutralizes toxins. These factors make salt lamps a stylish yet functional room decoration.

Beeswax Candles are a good air purifying option to ionize air and neutralize allergens, contaminants and toxins. The candles burn slowly with little to no smoke which is helpful for people with breathing problems.

Remember to eliminate the sources of pollution when possible. Open a window. Dust and vacuum your home often, and opt for natural, chemical-free cleaning products.

Nic Abraham

By Nic Abraham

Nic Abraham is a holistic lifestyle and wellness enthusiast who runs the lifestyle blog, A Random’s Life. Her goal is to encourage women to make the necessary changes that lead to a healthier home and life.

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