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Kitchen Tip: How to Braise

Tips, video and photography provided by Heinen’s partner, Chef Billy Parisi.

The art of braising is basically the slow cooker before the slow cooker was the slow cooker. You can braise meat, chicken, pork and even vegetables. The concept starts with a quick sauté, the addition of a liquid and a low, slow roast on the stove until it’s nice and tender. It’s couldn’t be easier!

Give braising a try with your next winter pot roast! I have a feeling you’ll be surprised at how easy it truly is!

How to Braise a Pot Roast

  1. Select a large piece of meat, like Heinen’s CARE Certified top round roast. Season it on all sides with salt and pepper. Season the same way if you choose to use chicken or pork.
  2. Over the stovetop, add oil to a large pot or Dutch oven with a secure lid. Once the oil reaches a low smoking point, add the roast and cook on all sides until it is golden brown, about 4 minutes per side. Once you have achieved the perfect sear on all sides, remove the roast from the cooktop and set it aside.
  3. In the same pot or Dutch oven, add chopped celery, onions, carrots and garlic. Vegetables are almost always used as aromatics to help season and flavor the pot roast. Yes, you can eat them. They might be a bit soft by the time you’re ready to eat, but that’s okay. You can also use vegetables like turnips, parsnips or any other root vegetable.
  4. Once the vegetables have sautéed for 3-4 minutes to activate the flavors, add some beef stock. If you’re using chicken or pork, feel free to use chicken stock instead. Be sure to season it very well because this liquid is going to further season the roast over the duration of the cooking period, making it extremely flavorful. Feel free to give it a taste to make sure you’ve seasoned it enough.
  5. Add the pot roast back into the pot or Dutch oven with the vegetables and beef stock and put the lid on. Turn the heat down to a low simmer and cook for 2.5 to 3 hours.
  6. Once the roast is done cooking, take the lid off and remove the pot from the stovetop. Plate the roast and veggies in a cassoulet dish or dish of your choice. Enjoy.

That’s all there is to it! Once you perfect this technique, it will be your absolute favorite way to cook.

How to Braise Plated Pot Roast

Chef Billy Parisi

By Chef Billy Parisi

Chef Billy Parisi is a culinary school grad who spent 15 years in the restaurant industry as a line cook, sous chef and executive chef. Now he develops, photographs and films simple and delicious recipes that will make everyone feel like a chef in their own kitchen.

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