13 Foods to Bring Good Fortune in the New Year

The following story was written by Heinen’s partner Elaine T. Cicora.
What if we told you that health, wealth and happiness could all be yours in 2023, depending on your New Year’s menu?
That’s the premise behind “lucky” foods – an assortment of good things to eat (and a few to drink!) that promise good fortune in the coming year. Drawn from diverse cultures and traditions, here are 13 items said to bring good luck when consumed on January 1.
1. Pork
In German and Eastern European traditions, eating pork on New Year’s Day is said to ensure progress. The notion was inspired by pigs’ industrious barnyard behavior: They keep their snouts to the ground and root ever forward.
2. Sauerkraut
Scoop up some sauerkraut with that pork, and wait for the greenbacks to roll in. Sauerkraut is made from cabbage, right? Cabbage is green. Money is green, too. Ergo, if you want more money, eat sauerkraut on New Year’s Day.

Check out this Recipe for Sausage and Sauerkraut Balls.
3. Grapes
A Spanish alternative to the Times Square ball drop, “the twelve grapes of luck” is a New Year’s Eve tradition thought to bring a year’s worth of prosperity and good fortune. Just pop one grape in your mouth with each stroke of the clock at midnight.
4. Long Noodles
Lush and lanky, long noodles mean good luck in many Asian cultures. Their length symbolizes longevity, so don’t let them break until they’re safely in your mouth.
5. Fish
For many seafaring cultures, fish is an especially auspicious New Year’s food. Their shiny scales look like coins – meaning money; and they’re always swimming forward –meaning progress. (Do be sure to avoid catfish, though: Nobody wants to be a bottom feeder!)

Check out this Recipe Phyllo-Wrapped Everything Bagel Salmon.
6. Greens
Oh, the color of cold, hard cash! No wonder a big mess of collards (or other leafy greens) will bring prosperity, according to Southern food traditions. (Bonus: A bunch left hanging by the front door will ward off evil spirits!)
7. Pomegranates
Want a fresh start in the New Year? Eat a pomegranate. In countries like Turkey and Greece, the vibrant red fruit has long been a token of good luck, its color and abundant seeds representing life, fertility and renewal. (While we have yet to receive official confirmation of this, we suspect a pomegranate martini could be pretty lucky, too!)

Check out this Recipe for Marinated Lamb Chops with Mint Pomegranate Chimichurri.
8. Black-Eyed Peas
This dried legume is frequently found on Southern and African-American tables, often in close proximity to those collard greens. Because black-eyed peas expand while cooking, tradition holds that eating them will bring abundance.
9. Root Vegetables
According to India’s Ayurvedic traditions, a plant’s roots are its source of stability and balance. Therefore, if you wish to head into the new year feeling calm and grounded, add potatoes, carrots, beets or other root veggies to your menu on New Year’s Day.

Check out this Recipe for Creamy Root Vegetable Bake.
10. Cornbread
As richly colored as a golden nugget, cornbread is another good-luck staple on Southern tables, prized for its alleged link to wealth.
11. Cake
We always knew dessert was good luck, but now it’s official! Cakes, doughnuts and other similarly ring-shaped baked goods are almost universally thought to represent the fullness of life and the annual process of “coming full circle.” Many cultures bake a coin inside for an additional dollop of New Year’s good fortune.

Check out this Recipe for Peppermint Brownies.
12. Nuts
Little packets of new life, nuts are favored for gifting on New Year’s Day in many cultures, where they are thought to represent a fresh start.
13. Champagne
There are as many reasons to greet the New Year with champagne as there are stars in the sky. Thanks to its long association with French nobility, champagne is almost synonymous with indulgence and wealth. The pop of the cork is like a tiny burst of fireworks (perfect for fending off evil spirits), and when the festive bubbles tickle your nose, it’s impossible not to smile.

Check out this Recipe for a Champagne Cranberry Fizz Cocktail.
We raise our glass to all of you! Here’s to a happy, healthy and prosperous new year!