Roasted Salmon with Capers and Lemon Dill Sauce

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2 1/2 pound side of fresh Norwegian salmon, skin and bones removed
4 tablespoons of olive oil
2 to 3 tablespoons of Feisty Fish Rub
1 cup of Heinen’s Lemon Dill Sauce
3 very thinly slices of shaved cucumber
3 thinly sliced radishes
1 radish crown
1 lemon cup
6 lemon twists
3 sprigs of fresh dill
1 tablespoon of capers
1/4 cup of microgreens


Rub the salmon down with olive oil and season with fish rub. Place on a sheet pan lined with parchment paper and roast in the oven at 400°F for 25-30 minutes. Once cooked, slice very thin on a bias and fan on a large platter.

To Plate:

Put as much lemon dill sauce into the lemon cup as possible and spread the garnishes all over the plate.

Download Recipe PDF  |  Recipe created by Chef Billy Parisi

Roasted Salmon with Capers and Lemon Dill Sauce

Roasted Salmon with Capers and Lemon Dill Sauce

Chef Billy Parisi

By Chef Billy Parisi

Chef Billy Parisi is a culinary school grad who spent 15 years in the restaurant industry as a line cook, sous chef and executive chef. Now he develops, photographs and films simple and delicious recipes that will make everyone feel like a chef in their own kitchen.

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