Kitchen Tip: How to Prepare Fresh Ginger and Turmeric

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Tips, video and photography provided by Heinen’s partner, Chef Billy Parisi.

You’ve probably passed fresh ginger and turmeric a dozen times while shopping in Heinen’s Produce Department and wondered, “what on earth is this?” or, “what do I do with it?” Let’s clear up both of those questions!

What are Ginger and Turmeric?

Ginger and turmeric are root vegetables that provide a myriad of health benefits, along with delicious flavors. Slightly sour with a spicy, hot sensation, they are both considered “earthy.”

Known for it’s anti-inflammatory properties, ginger is loaded with antioxidants and can even help settle your stomach, but it’s also great for cooking. It tastes delicious in vinaigrettes, stir fries, soups and broths, sautéed vegetables or in a spice blend to coat a roast.

Considered a superfood for the brain, turmeric is packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, just like ginger, but since its “earthy” flavor is much stronger than ginger, it is not quite as useable. It does taste great sautéed with vegetables, combined with other pungent spices like curry, added to soups or mixed with honey and added to chicken.

How to Prepare Ginger

Start by removing the outside peel of the ginger with a peeler or a paring knife. Be careful, as the shape and texture of the ginger root can make it tricky to peel.

Place the peeled ginger root on a cutting board. Ginger has long, thin threads that run throughout the root, which makes it challenging to cut. To make things easier, turn the ginger root sideways and cut it in half. Then turn it one more time and slice it as thin as possible.

Finally, serve the ginger in thin slices, or stack the slices as you would sliced carrots. Turn it again and mince.

How to Prepare Turmeric

Start by removing the outer layer of skin with a peeler.

Once peeled, set the turmeric root on a cutting board and thinly slice it into rounds. There’s no need to turn it first, like the ginger, because turmeric does not have thin threads that run throughout the root.

If you prefer turmeric finely grated, use a microplaner to grate the turmeric into small minced pieces.

Fresh Prepared Ginger and Turmeric
Kitchen Tip: How to Prepare Fresh Ginger and Turmeric

Kitchen Tip: How to Prepare Fresh Ginger and Turmeric

Chef Billy Parisi

By Chef Billy Parisi

Chef Billy Parisi is a culinary school grad who spent 15 years in the restaurant industry as a line cook, sous chef and executive chef. Now he develops, photographs and films simple and delicious recipes that will make everyone feel like a chef in their own kitchen.

Recent Reviews

  1. Very helpful. I like the health benefits fresh of ginger and turmeric based on reading from multiple sources, but I was lost as to how to prepare it. Based on the directions It’s simple after all and the taste is appealing.

    1. Hello Suej, if they are whole you can cover them and put them in the fridge for around 2 weeks. If you have cut them, cover and store them in the fridge for up to 4-6 days.

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