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Cedar Plank Smoked Portobello Mushrooms

Cedar Plank Smoked Portobello Mushrooms
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This recipe and photos were provided by Sally Roeckell of Table and Dish and were originally published at as a part of the Heinen’s 4 P.M. Panic Series.

Long gone are the days when the only mushrooms in the produce aisle were white button, portobello or cremini. Heinen’s offers many different kinds and many that were once available only seasonally are now farmed almost year-round.

Do you enjoy mushrooms? It seems to be a divided camp when it comes to these tiny fungi. Whether cultivated or wild, common or rare, mushrooms are easy to prepare and add intense flavor to everything from soups, stews, and sauces to meats, stuffings, and egg dishes.

Today I’m making Stuffed Cedar Plank Smoked Portobello Mushrooms. The soaked cedar planks create a fragrant smoke when placed on the hot grill, infusing the mushrooms with the most delicate flavor. For a long time I shied away from the idea of grilling with cedar because the thought of cedar reminded me of the hamster cage or an old cedar chest and nothing about either of those seemed appetizing. BUT burned cedar is another story. I can only describe it as a spa-like fragrance. I once spent time in the Basque region of Spain where the hot water is heated by burning cedar logs and lumber was the main industry in the surrounding towns. The mild fragrance is amazing.

These mushrooms are stuffed with a simple-yet-delicious blend of sautéed mushrooms, onion and garlic with baby spinach, panko bread crumbs and white cheddar cheese. Chopped pecans add a sweet crunch. It is finished with flavors of fresh sage and stone ground mustard. For me, this and a salad makes a perfect meal but can also be a perfect paring for a juicy grilled steak. Before you start cooking, read these helpful tips for properly clean and prepare mushrooms.

Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms on plate

Cedar Plank Smoked Portobello Mushrooms

Cedar Plank Smoked Portobello Mushrooms


  • 1 14×6 inch cedar grilling plank
  • 5 medium portobello mushrooms
  • 1 Tbsp Olive oil
  • 1/2 cup chopped onion
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 5-ounce package fresh baby spinach
  • 3/4 cup coarse panko bread crumbs
  • 1/2 cup shredded sharp white cheddar cheese
  • 2 Tbsp chopped pecans
  • 1 Tbsp snipped fresh sage
  • 1 Tbsp coarse ground mustard
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Soak plank in enough water to cover for at least one hour. Place a weight on top so the plank remains submerged.
  2. Remove stems from four of the mushroom caps; chop stems. Scrape and discard gills from the four.
  3. Chop all portions of the fifth mushroom cap.
  4. For filling, in a large skillet heat oil over medium heat. Add chopped mushroom + stems, onion and garlic. Cook and stir about five minutes until tender. Stir in spinach. Cook and stir about two minutes or until wilted. Remove from heat. Stir in remaining ingredients.
  5. Grill the planks uncovered over medium heat 3-5 minutes until planks begin to crackle and smoke. Meanwhile, grill mushroom caps stem side up, uncovered over medium heat about 3 minutes or until grill marks appear. Place mushroom caps on the planks stem side up. Spoon filling into the mushroom caps. Cover and grill about 15 minutes or until mushrooms are browned and the stuffing is heated through.
  6. Transfer planks with mushrooms to a serving platter. Garnish with fresh sage leaves.
Heinen's Grocery Store

By Heinen's Grocery Store

In 1929, Joe Heinen opened the doors of a small butcher shop on the east side of Cleveland, Ohio, aiming to establish himself as the city’s purveyor of quality meats. As customers came into Heinen’s new shop for their meat purchases, they began asking him to carry groceries as well. Joe added homemade peanut butter, pickles and donuts and by 1933, business had grown enough to include a line of produce and canned goods. Heinen’s Grocery Store was born.

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